Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How To Lose Body Fat When Severely Obese

If you've never exercised a day in your life or if you are severely overweight or obese there are some precautions you should take. In order to lose body fat people in this situation need to start out slow. Low intensity exercises will be best for anyone who is obese. The type exercises can be walking, a light jog, and cycles with a small mini cycler machine or a mini cardio cycle that’s strictly to exercise the arms or the legs (you can find it online or store like Walmart, and stretching /yoga. The reason you should start out slow like this is because you don’t want to put your body under unnecessary stress.  Then you can slowly ease your way into do more intense workouts. You can still focus on working the bigger muscle groups to burn more calories but use low impact workouts. Don’t worry if this is hard for you when you start, take baby steps. Some exercises are better than none and you will make accomplishments.

Once you lose some of the weight, you can then increase to the higher intensity workouts and start losing weight faster. Remember you still want to gradually work your way up and not hurt yourself. Increase your water intake. You need to drink more water to help with losing weight. Water helps make the body function better and you will lose weight faster. Most people drink more than the average amount that is recommended daily. You should also cut out all junk foods. I’m not just talking about cookies and cakes; I’m talking about pizza, canned foods, breads, fried foods, foods with high fructose corn syrups, and alcohol. Alcohol can actually slow down weight loss efforts because it can eliminate your appetite.  Also cut back on calories, not too much though because if you deprive your body of too much calories, your body will go into starvation mode making it harder to lose weight.

Stay consistent when trying to lose weight. Even if you just do a little bit until you can gradually do more exercises. If you need motivation, get a friend or family member; if your budget allows get a personal trainer for however long you need one. You can also join a support group (online or offline) with other individuals who are trying to lose weight.

When you get to a more comfortable weight then you should start including higher intensity workouts and mix them in with lower intensity workouts until you can handle doing a lot more high intensity exercises. You can also use weights when you are walking to slowly build muscle to increase fat loss. 

Read this article on Abdominal Fat Dangers

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Post Workout Meal/Smoothies

After you've finished a workout it is very important you feed your body good nutrition especially if the workout was intense and/or weight training.  You don’t need any supplements or special vitamins which most of them contain harmful chemicals. All you need is a small healthy snack, shake or a smoothie that you can make yourself and avoid the fat because you want the smoothie or shake to be absorbed quickly and provide the nutrition your muscles need.

You can make a smoothie by mixing a half cup of yogurt of your choice with a cup of frozen fruit, raw honey and whey protein powder (flavored if you want) and blend together until smooth.

The purpose of drinking this smoothie is to help you build muscle faster and to burn fat faster by releasing protein slowly and fueling your muscles. 

Here are 51 Fastest Fat Burners to help you boost your weight loss 

Monday, January 16, 2012

How to Make Healthy Restaurant Choices

Many people love eating out at restaurants. Family and friends gather at restaurants often to celebrate a milestone in their lives and to spend time together. But if you want a slim healthy body, you need to know the do’s and don’ts in making healthy restaurant choices.
The unhealthiest foods to avoid at restaurants are fried foods, foods made of refined flours, and sodas and drinks made with fake and processed sugars. I know these foods are what most people order at a restaurant, but these are the foods that are the unhealthiest choices at restaurants and these foods make people fat and are damaging to the body.
When it comes to making healthy restaurant choices, a person should consider avoiding bread, fries, and soda. Restaurants make bread taste so good and they make the fries taste even better, but these foods are bitter to the stomach. Fries and bread are starchy and they cause more than just weight gain, they cause diseases, bloating, tiredness, and can cause constipation.
How do you avoid these tempting foods? The best way is to avoid sandwiches, pastas, certain deserts, and rice. These are the most commonly order foods on the menu. These are not healthy restaurant choices for you at all. They often put to much pasta and rice on the plate, and some restaurants give unlimited amounts of breads before the ordering even begin. The best foods to order are lean meats, with veggies, a healthy salad, and for the drink some water and lemon. Water and lemon is good for fat after it is eaten and lemon helps with bloating and digestion. Lemon has many other health benefits also.
In almost all restaurants, you can substitute foods. Instead of fries you can order healthy sides such as veggies or a salad. A lot of times when I go out to eat, I will get the fries and give them to my husband, who loves to order double fries, just to save money and prevent him from getting the second order. But at the same time, I try to encourage him not to eat fries as much as he does. After he eats those fries, he often complains of stomach pains, which I believe comes from eating fries. Fries and soda are always foods I avoid when I go out to eat. I make no compromise when it comes to these two foods. I like to eat sandwiches and cheese sticks from time to time, but I eat healthy the majority of times I visit a restaurant.
If you want to avoid weight gain and have a healthier body, these tips will get you on the right track and I hope you benefit from them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Easy Ways To Burn Calories

The easiest and fastest way to burn calories is by doing muscle training. Also interval training will offer an easy way to burn calories. Interval training is when you’re exercising your body to the max while performing high intensity workouts. Then you will slow down but continue doing low intensity exercises. Riding a bike is a great example of interval training exercise. You ride your bike at a normal speed for the first few minutes than increase to a much faster speed for a minute and perform slower after the minute is up. Then repeat this for the next 30 minutes or so.  Running at a very fast rate for 1 minute followed by 2 minutes of jogging is great interval training also. This is the fastest way to burn calories and it is used by some of the most famous sports figures in the world. Using this method causes an increase in the metabolism and your body will burn more fat faster.

Another easy way to burn calories is to get a dumbbell and do dead lifts. This is a powerful exercise used by many people to build muscle and burn calories. This exercise works almost all the important muscle groups and muscles you may have thought you never had. Women should not be afraid to do this every once in a while because they will not get bulky, they will just increase the fat loss and give their metabolism a great boost. It’s best to start out with smaller weights first then add more after you can handle the smaller weights. The goal to losing fat is by challenging yourself. You just don’t do more than you can handle because you don’t want to risk injuring yourself.

If you like green tea, start drinking more. Green tea increases the metabolism which makes this an easy way to burn calories. Green tea has many other great health benefits also as it has antioxidants that helps cut down on your risk of getting several types of cancers.  Eating protein throughout the day will also boost your metabolism. Your body will use more calories to digest the protein that you eat. Plus when you are building muscle, and doing dead lifts, you will need more protein any way. Get your protein by eating more lean meats, nuts, and beans. Avoid getting your protein from those protein bars because these bars are really junk foods in disguise.
Foods That Burn More Calories

Avocados – Avocados has healthy fats, important vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and it helps with burning calories.

Eggs- The yoke of the eggs assist the body with burning calories, plus it has a great source of protein. Eating eggs is good for you and raises your good cholesterol.

Cruciferous veggies- These veggies help fight against body fat by helping your burn more calories. Examples of cruciferous veggies are broccoli, cabbage, and kale greens. These vegetables also fight against cancers and heart disease. So you will be protecting your body against many things when you eat these veggies several times a week.

If you need motivation and want more helpful tips watch this video on CNN called Getting Motivated To Lose Weight this video Jillian Michaels talks to CNN about eating losing weight and eating right. She provides helpful tips!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Avoid Diets If You Want A Slim Waist Line

As you know there are no miracles to losing weight. There is no lotion, potion, ab belt, pills, or any of the other “miracle” products available to blast the fat. There really isn't any diet that will help you either.


So what should you avoid? Dieting! Yes don’t go on a diet if you want to lose body fat and keep it off. Diets will work against you and in the long run and you will not lose stomach fat or any body fat. You will start to lose muscle if you’re not careful. Let’s say you go on a liquid diet, you will burn muscle before you burn fat. The fat stay because when you lose muscle your metabolism will slow down keeping you from burning the fat. You will never have a slim stomach like this. When you get off of the diet and start your normal eating, you will gain more fat and the lost muscle will be gone for good and you will have to build it back up again.

Don’t keep going for the fad diets and lies the diet and product creators tell you when you see the ads. These products will not help you lose body fat. They want people to believe these fad diets and products work and that’s why they will use celebrities or models to make you believe that stuff work.  These diets often take away a much needed nutrient the body needs to function and down the line can cause serious health risk. The best way to a slim waist line is to eat healthy, exercise, and build some muscle.