Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So Called Healthy Foods That Will Make You Fat

Many times we see ads on the television that causes consumers to believe that certain foods are low fat or great in helping us to lose weight. When most people eat these foods, they still continue to struggle with losing body fat and then they end up giving up on their weight loss journey. Also most of the time we waste unnecessary money on these so called health foods that contributes to more weight gain. Below are some things you can do to improve your overall plan for losing body fat and foods to avoid and healthier versions of these foods you should eat.


·         Yogurt with fruit on the bottom. Most of us think yogurt with fruit on the bottom is healthy. The problem with this yogurt is the high sugar content. It probably has more sugar than most soft drinks. So instead eat plain yogurt with any kind of fresh fruit you like. Strawberries or mixed berries are good with plain yogurt.

·         Ground turkey. Ground turkey can actually be very fatting. In some cases it is no different than eating a regular beef burger. The best thing would be to eat lean meat or even go for the leaner ground turkey made with white meat.

·         Raisins. Raisins are usually considered a good snack but not really. Raisins contain much more calories than plain grapes.  So I recommend that you eat the grapes over raisins. To me the grapes are much tastier than the raisins and in most cases other ingredients, especially, sugar are added to the raisins. Frozen grapes are good too.

·         Fruit smoothies. It is best to make a fruit smoothie at home. When you purchase a fruit smoothie, they are more like milkshakes because they use milk and/or ice cream and contain a massive amount of fat and sugars and a low amount of fruit. To cut this out just make it at home. All you need is a blender, fresh fruit, an ounce of 100% juice or you can make your own juice using fresh fruit and a juicer, and some ice.  I use strawberries as my fruit and put it in the blender with very little juice and liquefy it or puree it then add the ice.

·         Cereal. The problem with cereal is if you eat too much of it, the calories will add up quickly even the ones that are consider more healthy. The best thing to eat would be oatmeal or your favorite hot cereal that has a good amount of fiber.

·         Sugar free or so-called diet foods. Most of the time, these foods cause you to crave more sugars or you will train yourself to think you can eat more. Also sugar free food contains fake sugars that are dangerous to your health. The best thing you can do is eat the real version of the food. For example if it is low fat or sugar free cookies, eat the original one and only eat a few. Most fat free or low fat foods contain more sugar than the original and other added ingredients to make up for the low fat and to improve the taste.  

If you change up the foods you eat and avoid the fat free foods, “healthy” foods, you will see results quicker, save money, most of all feel better.

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