Monday, March 26, 2012

Should Women Start Lifting Weights?

One of the most important exercises women should do is to start lifting weights. But women are scared they will bulk up. Women should not be afraid to lift weight because women don't have a lot of the male hormone testosterone that cause men to get bulky and gain lots of muscle mass. I believe this fear/myth comes from the fact that bodybuilding women use steroids to gain those huge muscles, they never would have gained just lifting weights alone.  If you are a woman who has trouble with belly fat, lifting weights will definitively help you to lose fat in the belly and all over the body with out the bulk.

When a person start lifting weights, woman or man, their metabolism rises causing you to burn more body fat in the long run. Lifting weights causes you to burn calories even while you are sleeping. Muscles uses less space in the body than fat and burns more calories than fat. Lifting weights makes women look slimmer even if the scale doesn't show it. The key for women to lose weight is to lift enough weights to get the slim knockout figure you desire.

There are way too many myths and hype of about fitness and weight loss, some which have been around for years. These myths such as the one about "women lifting weights makes them bulky" actually hurts people who need the truth about weight loss. Then one of the biggest myths, 1000 crunches gets you a beautiful set of abs, causes men and women to waste too much time when they can just simply add weights to their fitness routine. My advice to anyone who wants to lose weight, don't believe the hype, myths, and lies. They will cause you to retain the body fat. And a word to all the women who are afraid of lifting weights, don't be afraid! Start lifting weight now especially if you want a beautiful beach body.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Do I Need A Gym Membership

Many people believe they need a gym membership to workout or to weight train. But in actuality you don't need a gym membership to exercise or weight train. You don't even need an exercise machine. As a matter of fact, there are some exercise machines you should avoid. I will include the article link for that at the end of this post as it is a must read.

There are easy exercises you can do at home or at work that will not require a gym membership. Two of them are jogging in place and step exercises. This can easily be done while watching the television or listening to music. Even if it is cold, rainy, snowy, or too hot out, you can do these exercises anytime day or night. Not only do you not need a gym membership, you don't have to buy any special exercise clothes, and if you have a good pair of shoes you are good to go. If you need to build muscle you can do push-ups or planks.

Below are some helpful articles you should most definitely read.

10 Exercise Machines To Avoid
When it comes to working out, exercise machines aren't always effective--or even safe. Here are the machines to skip next time you hit the gym, plus some alternative exercises to help you train smarter. Read more.

You don't want to hurt yourself on these machines. It is important to take precaution if you do decide to visit the gym.

10 Ways You CAN Exercise At Home without Any Equipment
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms? Well, as nice as it sounds, it just isn't an option for most people. And since exercise is so important, you need to find exercises that are effective and don't require any equipment at all. Continue reading

There is no reason why you need a gym membership when you got at least 10 ways you can exercise without the gym.

Your Personal Trainer: Stop making excuses and start exercising.
Fitness should not be an option. We must make it a priority and not make excuses to avoid fitness. Continue reading

There is no excuses for anyone not to exercise or workout. Anyone can do it regardless if you have a gym membership or not.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Boost Your Metabolism Fast To Speed Up Weight Loss

Most of you know that one of the key factors to successful weight loss is a fast metabolism. There are some things you can do to boost metabolism. Below I provide the links to some great articles.

Boost Metabolism with Spicy Foods for Weight Loss
Want to boost your metabolism, burn more fat, and lose weight faster? Add spicy fare to your diet. Read More

Also Read

22 Tips To Boost Nutrition And Slim Down
When registered dietitian Jeannie Coaker coaches parents about helping their children lose weight, she tells them that healthy eating needs to be a family affair. Read More 

This articles provide great tips you can do now to lose body fat.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

13 Huge Secrets Weight Loss Experts Won't Tell You

If you are struggling to lose body fat, Liz Vacariello of Readers Digest teamed up with Good Morning America to share these huge secrets to help you to lose body fat faster and safer. Some of these tips you won't believe.

1. You have to eat fat to beat fat. Read whole article

Also if you have a family doctor that's overweight you may want to read this article about overweight doctors.

Overweight doctors may be less likely than other physicians to discuss diet and exercise with patients, and less likely to make a diagnosis of obesity. Read full story

Monday, March 19, 2012

Struggling To Lose Last 5 Pounds? 10 Pounds?

Usually people have success at losing the first 50 pounds of body fat with no problem. It's the last 5 or 10 pounds that's the issue. When weight loss begins, for many people it comes off quickly, especially for men. There are some sizzling ways you can rev up your metabolic machine to melt those last pounds. Prevention, Fitness Mag, and Dr. Oz share some helpful tips to lose the last 5 pounds and they are very easy ones that will work for you.


Don't Throw In The Towel Just Yet

Turn Up The Heat On The Last 5-10 Pounds Of Body Fat

Rules To Lose Those Last Stubborn Pounds

Still Feel The Chunk

Don't Let Em Add Up

Friday, March 16, 2012

High Fatty Foods Causes Low Sperm Count Fertility Problems

Eating high fatty foods is not good to do if you’re trying to lose body fat, but a recent study also found that high fatty foods could lower sperm count. Full Story 

So many women are having weight loss surgery to help them with their fertility issues. Full Story

Men really should take care to lose weight because they are at risk for many of the same healthy problems women face and fertility is one of the biggest issues. The more overweight one is, whether male or female, the harder it will be to conceive. The good news is if men put in the effort to lose weight, men can increase their sperm count and lower their risk of sleep apnea, stroke, heart disease, and more. Avoiding the fatty foods is the first step to losing body fat.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Can I Do To Lose Weight

If you want an answer to “what can I do to lose weight, you are not alone. Thousands and even millions want to know the answer to this question on a daily basis. When you do a search on the net on how to lose weight, you get so many search results. I explain in most of my blog post how a person can be successful at losing body fat and it is great info. But I want to provide some information on what other sites have to say about this topic and these sites have amazing information. Take a look for yourself and read what the experts say.

This article gives you helpful tips on how to lose weight fast but in a healthy way. You will avoid the crash and fad diets.  If you are try to lose weight for an event, wedding, or a party, you will definitely benefit from these tips in this article.

Now this is a good one. Many people said this caveman way to lose weight has helped them despite what the nutritionists said. This is the way people did it in the old days. 

This video talks about how you need the right nutrition, life style, and exercise to be successful at losing fat fast, not one without the other. 

This articles gives you very important information on how to shed the pounds in a healthy fashion and why it is so important you do so. 

This site provides you the latest news on this topic. I’m talking about news from now and the past few days. 

If you and your child need to lose weight, this article is definitely a must read. A study that was done by researchers at the University Of California, San Diego School of Medicine, and the University Of Minnesota found that a parent’s weight change is an important contributor to the weight loss of a child. They just published the results on March 14, 2012 from Science Daily. 

It is very important to drink water daily because you body is more than 70% water. But water helps with everything including weight loss. Water pushes toxins out your body and helps you feel full for longer. 

These sites offer good information about what you can do to lose weight, and some of these are news stories. It does not have to be hard to shed the pounds, but you do have to put in the work and effort to make it happen. There is no magic trick that will make it all vanish in seconds, if there were, no one would be fat. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How To Quickly Gain Muscle In Six Easy Steps

Each day men and women are looking for ways to quickly gain muscle and more people are learning the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be.  There is no magic potion that will turn your body into a fat burning machine, or ripped overnight, but there are some simple things you can do to build muscle fast.

  1. One of the most important things you want to do is limit your cardio. Rachel Cosgrove suggest doing up to two days of light jogging on a treadmill, and keep it up to 30 minutes per session. She also says to lose fat while sparing muscle its best to do sprint intervals, for example running one minute then backing off to a light jog for two minutes.  Cardio burns calories, but when you build muscle you'll burn calories even after the initial workout so keep the cardio to a limit of only a few days a week.
  2. Eating meat is another vital step you should take in your journey to building muscle fast.  According to Adam Campbell, you should eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, which is roughly the maximum amount your body can use in a day. And that was from a landmark study in the Journal of Applied Physiology.  If you don’t eat enough meat, your muscles will not have the fuel it need thus taking you longer to gain muscle. Also meat provides complete protein and vegetables provide incomplete protein according to Medline Plus. You have to combine the two if you want to get some of your protein from veggies and maximize muscle gains. 
  3. Do workouts that target all of your muscles. When you do dead lifts, squats, planks, and push-ups, you are targeting more muscle groups than you would if you do exercises that don’t.  The best way to perform these exercises is do them with little rest in between. If you are a beginner, you can start out slow and build your way up to doing more. Exercises that target the bigger muscles will help you to quickly gain muscle.
  4. Do some form of strength training. Doing lunges and squats is a good place to start and according to WebMD, this will prompt your legs to start building muscles. They also said the amount of weight you use and repetitions should be enough to fatigue the muscles. Adam says it will hinder the growth if you don’t. 
  5. Leg presses are also a good form of exercise for building muscle. According to Blackdoctor, every gym has a guy with light bulb syndrome, which is a muscleman who neglected his lower body lol. The leg press will work the major leg muscles. 
  6. The next thing you want to do is drink water. This is important when you are performing any kind of exercise or activity. The body is made up of roughly 70% water and you need to replace loss fluids after all workouts, including building muscle. Your muscles need water. Drink 8-10 cups of water or more daily.
These 6 steps is all you need to quickly gain muscle. As I mentioned before, there is no overnight way to build muscle, but anyone can do it if they follow these smalls steps. Even if you are a skinny man, you will build muscles quickly without going to a gym and in the comfort of your home if you desire.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Facts To Lose Weight & Keep Off The Excess Pounds

Everyday millions of people do things all the time without actually thinking about it. But today, I am going to talk about things pertaining to weight loss.

Let me ask you a question, do you think anything you do during the day makes you fat? If you answered no, you may be in for some surprising facts. Many people wonder why they can’t be successful with weight loss and they feel that their body just can’t lose the weight.  The truth is anyone can lose weight, some may lose more weight than others, but any and everyone can be successful at weight loss, including you.

Here are some true facts on why you can’t lose weight.

One of the main reasons many people can’t lose weight is not reading food labels and believing everything written on them. I will give you an example. You go in the store searching for foods that will help you battle the pounds, have reduced calories, and ones that are “healthy”. Lets take strawberry jam, most labels will tell you that it is made with real fruit. But did you know that out of a 16 ounce jar there may only be one strawberry in it. See the food industry don’t want you to know how much is in that jar of your favorite strawberry jam because they really don’t put much in it at all. What is a very small amount of strawberries going to do for your health? Not a thing. All it will do is add to much unnecessary sugars to your diet and slow your weight loss efforts.  All the food industry did was make money off of fooling you into thinking the strawberry jam was healthy when in reality it isn't.

The next food item I want to tell you about is energy drinks and sports drinks. Now the problem with these drinks is they mainly have high fructose corn syrup in them and other added sugars.  Sugar, as I mentioned with the strawberry jam, prevents you from losing weight, heck it puts more weight on you.  The advertisements will tell you that these drinks help you gain energy or they suppose to be helpful after a good workout. What’s so good about the workout if you’re adding junk back into your body? When you exercise you’re getting all that mess out of your body so the worst thing you can do is put it back in you. This not only causes you to gain weight, it will in the long run make you slugglish and more tired. Why, because even if you avoid the sports and energy drinks loaded with sugars and the high fructose corn syrup and drink the ones with artificial sugars you will just cause even more problems for your body and your weight loss efforts will surely go down the drain.

The artificial sugars, such as aspartame, are nothing more than harmful chemicals that are a big danger to your body. These sugars cause cancer and a multitude of diseases, and over time weight gain. They claim Splenda is healthy and that it is made from real sugar. Don’t believe it! It’s a straight up lie. They make you think it is healthy when it is absolutely not.

Also you should stay away from foods claiming to be diet, or lite foods. These types of food contain artificial sugars, especially the Splenda. Some lite or diet yogurts have artificial sugars in them.  Many people think they are doing themselves a favor by purchasing these so called healthy foods. You’re not treating yourself to nothing but garbage if you buy it. The industry wants you to buy it so they can continue to make money off of you. They know they will lose business if they did not make these “healthy foods because a person who wants to lose weight or get healthy will quit buying the regular versions of these foods. It is only a strategy for them to make money and keep you fat and unhealthy.  By the way chlorine is added to Splenda and I don’t recommend anyone to use it, period!

If you want to treat yourself to your favorite snack, just stick to the regular version of the product and cut down on the amount. Also only have it sparingly. If you want to lose weight this is the best route to go. Artificial sugars will cause you to increase your cravings, bettering your chances of not losing weight and it can cause digestive problems. You don’t want that.

It is best to use natural sugars like agave nectar, or raw honey, or organic. You come out better using these because you will not have those awful cravings. Fake sugars leave you feeling empty but you gain weight at the same time.

As far as the sports drinks, it is best to have some oolong tea, herbal tea, or some other kind of healthy tea instead that is lightly sweetened. I like ginger flavored tea. I’ll put a little ginger in it and it gives it a good taste. Oolong tea helps a person lose weight because it’s not loaded with calories and it is natural.

And the strawberry jam, you can make your own. At least you know what in it and you can make it be as healthy as you want and lose weight.

Watch the food labels. Most of the time if you can’t pronounces a word it’s not best to buy the item.  And try to get foods that have lesser ingredients.

Overall, don’t let the so called food experts fool you. Companies are going to continue to come out with foods to keep up with those who are trying to lose weight or want to be healthier, and they will continue to do this until the end of time to make money. Money is really the root to all evil and these companies play on the emotion of people and they don’t care if you want to be healthier or lose weight.  They have a hidden agenda and that’s to take your money.  Now you know the main reason why people can’t lose weight. Sure there are other reasons but being fooled by the food industry tops them all. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

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