Sunday, January 22, 2012

Post Workout Meal/Smoothies

After you've finished a workout it is very important you feed your body good nutrition especially if the workout was intense and/or weight training.  You don’t need any supplements or special vitamins which most of them contain harmful chemicals. All you need is a small healthy snack, shake or a smoothie that you can make yourself and avoid the fat because you want the smoothie or shake to be absorbed quickly and provide the nutrition your muscles need.

You can make a smoothie by mixing a half cup of yogurt of your choice with a cup of frozen fruit, raw honey and whey protein powder (flavored if you want) and blend together until smooth.

The purpose of drinking this smoothie is to help you build muscle faster and to burn fat faster by releasing protein slowly and fueling your muscles. 

Here are 51 Fastest Fat Burners to help you boost your weight loss 

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