Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gluten And Weight Gain

The food today is not the same food people used to eat years ago. As a matter of fact, bread, flour, and even sugar is much different today. Factories use a cheaper version of the real stuff to save money and make more money. People are not aware of what happens behind the scenes and most just pick up food, put it in the grocery cart, and buy it without reading the label.          

One of the foods that is different now is wheat. A lot of wheat bread contains high fructose corn syrup and other harmful ingredients. It's been striped of the important things our body needs. It causes weight gain and disease. Read what the folks from Natural News had to say....

Wheat is far removed from the wheat eaten by our ancestors. In the last 100 years it has been mutated into something monstrous. It is now a "Frankenwheat" and many people are unaware of its destructive capacity. Dr William Davis is a cardiologist who was having no success with his diabetic patients utilizing diets with whole grains. What he found in his research was shocking and has a far reaching effect on the health of everyone from meat eaters to vegetarians. Read the rest of this article click -----> Wheat causes weight gain and sickness 

Also read a portion of this article from Natural News....

Sayer Ji of proposed this analysis: "... the weight gain associated with wheat consumption has little to do with caloric content per se; rather, the gluten proteins ... disrupt endocrine and exocrine processes within the body, as well as directly modulating nuclear gene expression ... to alter mammalian metabolism in the direction of weight gain."

This study report, according to Sayer Ji proves that the major factor of obesity is gluten, not calories. Considering that both groups of mice were fed high fat diets and the gluten free mice lost weight without excreting lipids also implies that fat free diets for losing weight are bogus. This has been suspected by other nutritional experts who've abandoned matrix thinking.

Sayer Ji recommends that those who are overweight, pre-diabetic, experiencing metabolic syndrome, or suffering from irritable bowel syndrome try avoiding gluten grains, especially wheat, to determine from experience if gluten is the underlying cause. Continue reading Here.

The best thing anyone can do who struggles with weight gain is to eliminate wheat from their diet. By doing so you will reduce your risk of obesity and auto immune diseases such as arthritis and Alzheimer's, because excessive wheat can cause inflammation and the inflammation is what causes the auto immune diseases. 

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